6 Reasons to Visit the New Roanoke.org

Sharing information about the Roanoke Region just got a lot easier. The Roanoke Regional Partnership’s new website, roanoke.org, is designed to put information, news, and data at your fingertips.

The website is a gateway for businesses, site selectors, and residents looking to learn about the Roanoke Region and refocused content showcases natural and business assets. Information is grouped and organized in sections such as data, advantages, targets, and livability to make it easy for you to find data points or find information quickly.

Key features include:

  1. Highly usable design that works on every device
  2. Robust search features to help you find information fast
  3. Reorganized content to focus on site selection and business-related information
  4. Downloads of printable maps and reports
  5. Design that showcases the region’s outdoor and livability narrative
  6. Extensive data with numbers you need to make business decisions

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