Get to Know the Partnership Staff: Carrie Cousins

carrie cousins 
Carrie Cousins develops content and marketing materials for the Roanoke Regional Partnership. She is a designer, writer, and content marketer with more than 15 years of experience in the media industry. She’s also the voice of the Partnership online and on social media through channels such as Roanoke_Region and Get2KnowNoke.

Get to know Carrie in her own words.

What’s the best part of your job?

I get to tell a lot of stories about our region, visually and with words. One of the things that makes these stories so special is the people behind them; meeting new people and hearing why they live and play here is amazing. (And there are so many different things that draw people to the region.)

What’s the most played song in your playlist?

YouTube video
Desperation Song by Carbon Leaf. The aggressive beat just makes you want to sing along and stomp your feet. The Virginia-based band has been one of my favorites for ages and they’ll be back in the region this spring with an April show at the Harvester.

What super power would you like to have?

Is having a clone considered a super-power?

What are you reading right now?

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. The message of this easy read – everything in your house should “spark joy.”

Where’s your favorite place to play in the Roanoke Region?

I love our trails and the greenway system. I do a lot of running and mix up dirt and paved trails. There’s a shorter section of greenway in Salem (starting at Rotary Park) that I run regularly; year round there’s nothing like the breeze coming off the river. Some days the run is quiet and peaceful, just me and the dog in the pre-dawn hours, but other times the path is bustling with people of all ages — walking, running, biking, swimming, paddling, coming into the ball park – and it shows you what a community that loves the outdoors looks like.