Governor Announces Community Business Launch Funding to Alleghany Highlands

Governor Ralph Northam announced a $45,000 Community Business Launch (CBL) award for the Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Corporation to provide training to entrepreneurs and conduct business plan competitions.

“Community Business Launch truly involves the community in identifying businesses needed in their downtowns and supporting the businesses beyond their grand opening,” said Governor Northam. “By combining training with a business plan competition, we are seeding and nurturing strong local entrepreneurial ecosystems that will support current and future small business growth.”

CBL is implemented through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) with a goal of supporting localities in their efforts to create a productive environment for new businesses and jobs that support their vision for revitalization.

“Community Business Launch is a resourceful program that offers training to entrepreneurs to prepare small business owners for the rigors of operating in today’s rapidly changing commercial climate,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Brian Ball.