Market Data
Market Data

Four seasons is just one data point to fuel your move

Regional Economy

The Roanoke Region of Virginia is the largest metropolitan area in Western Virginia and home to more than 300,000 residents. Not only is this a safe community, you’ll love living in a place with four distinct seasons and access to pretty much everything you need.

Total Population319,760325,728330,569
Employment162,400156,218166,694 (2023)
Average Wage$32,968$38,675$54,386 (2023)
Gross Domestic
Sources: BLS, BEA, Chmura Economics & Analysis, 2024

Crime Statistics

Keeping the families who live, work, and play in Roanoke and the surrounding region safe is top priority. Thanks to the dedicated men and women of law enforcement serving our communities, engaging with citizens, and keeping our neighborhoods safe, our region maintains a violent crime rate that is well below the national average. Protecting the region’s metropolitan center is the City of Roanoke Police Department. The department is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and is one of only a few localities in Virginia to have maintained its status as a Certified Crime Prevention Community since 2001.

Violent Crimes Per 100,000 People
Roanoke Region290
Baltimore, MD550
Nashville, TN556
Greensboro-High Point, NC489
Chattanooga, TN484
Charleston, SC406
Asheville, NC286
Source: CIUS 2023

Temperature & Precipitation

From hot summers to chilly winters, warm springs and cool falls, the Roanoke Region experiences all four seasons of the year. Don’t worry; the summers and winters are never too extreme (average temperatures of 75 degrees in the heat of summer and 34 degrees in the middle of winter). Leftover rain from a dying tropical storm is about as severe as weather gets in the Roanoke Region. The area is relatively free from hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and other man-made and natural disasters.

Monthly Mean Minimum Monthly Mean Maximum Monthly MeanPrecipitation (inches)Snow (inches)
Source: NOAA 1948-2017, temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

We’re here to help

The Roanoke Regional Partnership serves as the point of contact for businesses looking to relocate and expand. We are connectors who match your needs and questions with the resources and answers. We’re a one-stop-shop for learning, evaluating, and connecting with the Alleghany, Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties, cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem, and the town of Vinton.

Let us help you find the right site or building for companies, create custom research for your business decision, and connect you with the people and services that will help you see why the Roanoke Region is the right place.