Innovation Corridor Leadership Collaborates on Regional Branding

The Roanoke Regional Partnership collaborated with regional innovation leaders including staff from Carilion Clinic, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, and Roanoke Innovates on an opportunity to be featured in Area Development magazine and The issue, released in December 2021, is focused on Innovation Corridors around the nation.

You can see a digital copy of the magazine, which is distributed in print nationally to 50,000 C-Suite level executives and consultants, by clicking here.

The target audience for the publication is site selectors, brokers, and development professionals who are the gatekeepers of the economic development world. Marketing staff from the participating organizations developed a regionally branded print ad (see graphic below), a series of digital ads, a custom landing page, and a plan to host an innovation leadership webinar designed to raise awareness of the work being done around life sciences, technology, advanced manufacturing regionwide.  

The webinar will feature Don Halliwill, chief financial officer at Carilion Clinic, Michael Friedlander, Ph.D., executive director of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, and John Hull, the executive director of the Roanoke Regional Partnership. The webinar is scheduled for January 31, 2022, at 2 pm EST. Topics covered will include the region’s academic research strengths and what that means for developers, regional biotech spin-outs, and ways your company can benefit from Roanoke’s hub for innovation.

You can join the webinar for free by signing up here.

By showcasing our Innovation Corridor opportunities we hope to capitalize upon the interest generated by the campaign among site development consultants.Â