Don’t Miss Out on Opportunity Zones in the Roanoke Region

opportunity zones

You didn’t miss your chance if you didn’t participate in the July 16 webinar on Opportunity Zones from the Roanoke Regional Partnership.

The 90-minute webinar and supporting information are available to watch and download.

Visit the OZ page

The webinar started with a presentation from Rebecca Richardson of Opportunity Virginia, the statewide marketplace for OZ investing, and covered the benefits of OZ projects to investors. Each of the six local governments with zones reviewed the location, character, and investment opportunities of their zones.

Alleghany County, Covington, Franklin County, Roanoke, Roanoke County, and Salem have one or more Opportunity Zones, which is an investment program created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 allowing for tax advantages on capital gains for certain investments in designated zones.