Franklin, Botetourt, and Roanoke Counties Receive Industrial Site Development Funds
It’s a big day for industrial site development in the Roanoke Region of Virginia. The state announced $7 million in grants to develop industrial sites across the commonwealth. Three localities represented by the Roanoke Regional Partnership were selected for grant funding totaling $1.45 million in awards for the Roanoke Region.

Sites that will receive funding include Botetourt Center at Greenfield in Botetourt County, Summit View Business Park in Franklin County, and Wood Haven Technology Park in Roanoke County.
The Roanoke Regional Partnership supported these applications which will improve regional site readiness at the three locations, increasing the region’s ability to land successful investments. The grant program sent representatives from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) and professional site consultants to assess the potential of industrial sites which must contain a minimum of 100 contiguous, developable acres.

Supporting governments and developers in their efforts to develop real estate is a goal area of the new Thrive 2027 strategic plan, as the Partnership’s leadership recognizes the importance of real estate development in competing for new investment and expansion.
View the state’s full press release with exact dollar values awarded, and get details about the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP).